Rambler's Top100 Storm of Deep - New

The Encyclopedia of Russian Underwater Fleet 


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News August 2002


August 31, 2002.

The section «Type "ShA" III-bis series (rus)» is open. Information about submarines type “ShukaIII, V, V-bis, V-bis-2 are added.


August 30, 2002.

The section with video fragments (10 fragments) about the Mediterranean walk on excursion submarine "Sadko" is open. Many thanks Shestakov M.V. for the given video materials.


August 29, 2002.

The section «Project P-627A(rus)» is open.


August 28, 2002.

The section «Type "ShB" XIII series (rus)» is open.


August 27, 2002.

The section «Project 665 (rus)» is open. The information about «Project 644P (rus)» is added.


August 26, 2002.

The section «Projects 644 (644D and 644-7) (rus)» is open. New links are added («Links»)


August 25, 2002.

The section devoted to the first fighting service of submarines of 161-st brigade DS RNF in Mediterranean sea (rus) is open. Thank Andrey Milyohin, for the given information.


August 24, 2002.

The information about submarines “Type “C” IX-bis series” is added.


August 23, 2002.

The section «Projects 608 and 608-1 (rus)» is open.


August 22, 2002.

Section «Project 98 (type «ÎÌ») (rus)» and «Project 99 (type «ÌZ») (rus)»  are open.


August 21, 2002.

The section «Project 653(rus)» is open.


August 20, 2002.

The information about submarines “Type “L” XIII series” is added.


August 18, 2002.

The section «Project 667AT(rus)» (only the description) is open.


August 16, 2002.

Sections «Project 945A(rus)» (only the description) and «Project 945B(rus)» are open.


August 15, 2002.

The section "Project V613(rus)" is open. Sections «Project 601», «Project 605» and «Project 613D4» are added. Information about submarines «S-229» and «S-191» are added.


August 14, 2002.

The section "Project 945(rus)" (only the description) (unit "Submarines of Navy Fleet of Soviet Union (1945-1992)") is open.


August 12, 2002.



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