Rambler's Top100 Storm of Deep - New

The Encyclopedia of Russian Underwater Fleet 


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News September 2002


September 27, 2002.

The section «Project 639» (rus) is open.


September 26, 2002.

The section «Project 649» (rus) is open.  Information about «Project 611» and «Project 613» are added.


September 25, 2002.

Sections «K-175», «K-184» and «K-189» are open. The information about «Project 611» is added. 


September 24, 2002.

The section «Project V629» (rus) is open.  The information about «Project 675N» (rus) is added.  Sections «K-166», «K-170» and «K-172» are open.


September 23, 2002.

Sections «Projects 669, 672 and 673 (rus)», «Project 681» (rus) è «Project 688» (rus) are open.  Information’s about «Project 1837» è «Project 1839» are added.  The information in the section «Links» is added.


September 22, 2002.

The section «Project 670M (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-128», «K-131» and «K-135» are open. The information about «Project 664» is added. The information about «Òype «Rechinul»» is changed.


September 21, 2002.

The section «Project 670 (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-116» and «K-125» are open.


September 20, 2002.

The section «Project PT-627A (rus)»  is open.  The information about «Project 18270» is added.


Behind half of year of existence of a site! 140000 visitings from more than 60 countries! Thank for attention to a site!


September 19, 2002.

The section «Project PV611 (rus)»  is open.  The photos submarine «B-67» is added.


September 18, 2002.

The section «Project 633RV (rus)»  is open.  Section «K-94», «K-104» and «K-108» are open.


September 17, 2002.

The section «Project 615 (rus)»  is open.  The section «K-90» is open.


September 16, 2002.

The section «Project À615 (rus)»  is open.  The information in the section «Memory» is added.


September 15, 2002.

The section «Project 641B (rus)»  is open.  The section «K-74» is open.


September 14, 2002.

The section «Project 633 (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-56» and «K-57» are open.


September 13, 2002.

The section «Project 633L (rus)»  is open.  The section «604» is change. Sections «K-47» and «K-48» are open.


September 12, 2002.

The section «Project 654 (654P) (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-31», «K-34» and «K-35» are open.


September 11, 2002.

The section «Mines submarines (1936) (rus)»  is open.  The section «K-28» is open.


September 10, 2002.

The section «Sheglov's mines submarine (1928) (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-22» and «K-23»  are open.


September 9, 2002.

The section «Type "S" IX bis 2 series (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-7» and «K-10»  are open. The photos submarine «KS-19»  is added.


September 8, 2002.

The section «Project of small submarine Techburo ¹4 (rus)»  is open.  The sections «K-1» is open. The photos submarine «K-178»  is added.


September 7, 2002.

The section «Project of modernization of a submarine B-2 (rus)»  is open.  Sections «K-122» and «K-151» are open. The information in the section «Memory» is added.


September 6, 2002.

The section «Project 651K (rus)» is open. The information about submarines «Project 640 (640Ts)» is added.


September 5, 2002.

The section «Project 651E (rus)» is open.


September 4, 2002.

The section «Project 16810 (rus)» is open.


September 3, 2002.

The section «Project 651 (rus)» is open.


September 2, 2002.

The section «Project 641 (I641, I641K, I641L, I641M) (rus is open.


September 1, 2002.

Information about submarines type “ShukaX-bis series and type “Lenines  XIII-bis 1938 series are added.



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