Rambler's Top100 Storm of Deep - New

The Encyclopedia of Russian Underwater Fleet

Ïåðåâåñòè íà Ðóññêèé.

News 2010

December 31, 2010
The section «Bravo» (rus) opened.

December 30, 2010
The section «AGA-8, AS-8» (rus) added.

December 29, 2010
The section «Project "Triton"» (rus) opened.

December 28, 2010
The section «AS-26» (rus) added.

December 27, 2010
The section «AS-17» (rus) added.

December 26, 2010
Sections «AS-22» (rus), «AS-25» (rus) and «AS-29» (rus) added.

December 25, 2010
The section «ARS-4, AS-4» (rus) added.

December 24, 2010
Sections «ARS-9, AS-9» (rus), «AS-12» (rus) and «AS-20» (rus) added.

December 23, 2010
The section «ARS-10, AS-10» (rus) added.

December 22, 2010
The section «AS-32» (rus) added.

December 21, 2010
The section «"Argus"» (rus) added.

December 20, 2010
The section «AS-32» (rus) opened. The section «AS-25» (rus) added.

December 19, 2010
Sections «AS-25» (rus) and «AS-29» (rus) opened.

December 18, 2010
Sections «AS-17» (rus) and «AS-22» (rus) opened.

December 17, 2010
Sections «AS-12» (rus) and «AS-20» (rus) opened.

December 16, 2010
Sections «ARS-9, AS-9» (rus) and «ARS-4, AS-4» (rus) opened.

December 15, 2010
The section «ARS-10, AS-10» (rus) opened.

December 14, 2010
Sections «AS-24» (rus) and «AS-27» (rus) opened.

December 13, 2010
The section «AGA-8, AS-8» (rus) opened.

December 12, 2010
The section «AGA-6, AS-6» (rus) opened.

December 11, 2010
Sections «Sever-2» (rus) and «Sever-2-bis» (rus) opened.

December 10, 2010
The section «Projekt 1825» (rus) added.

December 9, 2010
Sections «Projekts 1832 and 18321» (rus) and «Projekt 1906» (rus) added.

December 8, 2010
The section «Projekts 1839 and 18392» (rus) added.

December 7, 2010
The section «Projekts 1837 and 1837K» (rus) added.

December 6, 2010
The section «Projekts 1855 and 18551» (rus) added.

December 4, 2010
Sections «B-471, Magnitogorsk» (rus) and «B-177, Lipetsk» (rus) added.

December 3, 2010
Sections «B-800, Kaluga» (rus) and «B-871, ALROSA» (rus) added.

December 2, 2010
Sections «B-464, Ust-Kamchatsk» (rus) and «B-187» (rus) added.

December 1, 2010
The section «B-445, Sviatoy Nikolay Chudotvoretz» (rus) added.

November 30, 2010
Sections «B-229» (rus) and «B-404» (rus) added.

November 29, 2010
Sections «B-248» (rus) and «B-260, Chita» (rus) added.

November 28, 2010
Sections «B-808, Yaroslavl» (rus) and «B-459, Vladikavkaz» (rus) added.

November 27, 2010
The section about Project 613 «Plant ¹444» (rus) added.

November 26, 2010
Sections «S-221» (rus) and «S-222» (rus) added.

November 25, 2010
Sections «S-233» (rus) and «S-238» (rus) added.

November 24, 2010
Sections «S-383» (rus) and «S-243» (rus) added.

November 23, 2010
Sections «S-246» (rus) and «S-374» (rus) added.

November 22, 2010
Sections «S-239» (rus) and «S-250» (rus) added.

November 21, 2010
Sections «S-235» (rus) and «S-236» (rus) added.

November 20, 2010
Sections «S-379» (rus) and «S-381» (rus) added.

November 19, 2010
Sections «S-223» (rus) and «S-225» (rus) added.

November 18, 2010
Sections «S-218» (rus) and «S-219» (rus) added.

November 17, 2010
Sections «S-377» (rus) and «S-378» (rus) added.

November 16, 2010
Sections «S-232» (rus) and «S-95» (rus) added.

November 15, 2010
Sections «B-46» (rus) and «B-443» (rus) added.

November 14, 2010
Sections «K-162, K-222» (rus) and «K-77, B-77» (rus) added.

November 13, 2010
Sections «B-25, B-825» (rus) and «B-153, B-854» (rus) added.

November 12, 2010
The section «S-154» (rus) added.

November 11, 2010
The section «S-100» (rus) added.

November 10, 2010
Sections «S-96» (rus) and «S-95» (rus) added.

November 9, 2010
Sections «S-76» (rus) and «S-89» (rus) added.

November 8, 2010
Sections «S-287» (rus) and «B-397» (rus) added.

November 7, 2010
Sections «S-74» (rus) and «S-75» (rus) added.

November 6, 2010
Sections «S-66» (rus) and «S-67» (rus) added.

November 5, 2010
Sections «S-71» (rus) and «S-69» (rus) added.

November 4, 2010
Sections «S-78» (rus) and «S-86» (rus) added.

November 3, 2010
Sections «S-283» (rus) and «S-191» (rus) added.

November 2, 2010
The section «S-62» (rus) added.

November 1, 2010
Sections «S-332» (rus) and «S-337» (rus) added.

October 31, 2010
Sections «B-416» (rus) and «B-213» (rus) added.

October 30, 2010
Sections «B-46» (rus) and «B-397» (rus) added. The section «TK-208, Dmitriy Donskoy» (rus) added.

October 29, 2010
The section «S-295» (rus) added.

October 28, 2010
The section «S-185» (rus) added.

October 27, 2010
Sections «B-109» (rus) and «B-34» (rus) added.

October 26, 2010
Sections «B-2» (rus) and «B-38, B-838» (rus) added.

October 25, 2010
Sections «B-7» (rus) and «B-169» (rus) added.

October 24, 2010
Sections «B-153, B-854» (rus) and «B-164» (rus) added.

October 23, 2010
Sections «B-25, B-825» (rus) and «B-156, B-856» (rus) added.

October 22, 2010
Sections «B-53, B-853» (rus) and «B-85» (rus) added.

October 21, 2010
Sections «B-116, B-326» (rus) and «B-50» (rus) added.

October 20, 2010
Sections «B-133, B-833» (rus) and «B-135» (rus) added.

October 19, 2010
The section «B-312» (rus) added.

October 18, 2010
The section «B-146» (rus) added.

October 17, 2010
The section «B-546» (rus) added.

October 16, 2010
The section «M-244» (rus) added.

October 15, 2010
Sections «¹01701» (rus) and «¹01702» (rus) opened.

October 14, 2010
Sections «¹01336» (rus) and «¹01337» (rus) opened.

October 13, 2010
The section «K-66» (rus) added.

October 12, 2010
The section «K-415, KS-415» (rus) added.

October 11, 2010
The section «K-73, B-73» (rus) added.

October 10, 2010
The section «Type "L" XI series» (rus) added.

October 9, 2010
The section «Type "L" XIII series» (rus) added.

October 8, 2010
The section «TK-208, Dmitriy Donskoy» (rus) added.

October 7, 2010
Sections «S-360» (rus) and «S-392» (rus) added.

October 6, 2010
Sections «S-277» (rus), «S-240» (rus) and «M-240» (rus) added.

October 5, 2010
The section about Project 613 «Plant ¹199» (rus) added.

October 4, 2010
Sections «B-75» (rus) and «B-88» (rus) added.

October 3, 2010
Sections «S-331» (rus) and «S-390» (rus) added.

October 2, 2010
The section about Project 613 «Plant "Krasnoe Sormovo"» (rus) added.

October 1, 2010
Sections «S-145» (rus) and «S-275» (rus) added.

September 30, 2010
Sections «S-290» (rus) and «S-292» (rus) added.

September 29, 2010
Sections «S-62» (rus) and «S-162» (rus) added.

September 28, 2010
Sections «S-240» (rus) and «S-342» (rus) added.

September 27, 2010
Sections «S-88» (rus) and «S-97» (rus) added.

September 26, 2010
The section about Project 613 «Baltiyskiy Plant» (rus) added.

September 25, 2010
Sections «S-186» (rus) and «S-192» (rus) added.

September 24, 2010
Sections «Yuan Zhend 66 Hao» (rus), «Yuan Zhend 67 Hao» (rus) and «Yuan Zhend 73 Hao» (rus) added.

September 23, 2010
Sections «M-258» (rus) and «M-266» (rus) added.

September 22, 2010
The section «K-523» (rus) opened.

September 21, 2010
The section «K-512» (rus) opened. The information in the section «K-447» (rus) added.

September 20, 2010
Sections «S-217» (rus), «S-232» (rus) and «S-382, PZS-63» (rus) added.

September 19, 2010
The section «K-497» (rus) opened.

September 18, 2010
The section «K-477» (rus) opened.

September 17, 2010
The section «K-417» (rus) opened.

September 16, 2010
Sections «S-289» (rus) and «S-87» (rus) added.

September 15, 2010
Sections «S-329» (rus) and «S-157» (rus) added.

September 14, 2010
Sections «S-234» (rus) and «S-237» (rus) added.

September 13, 2010
Sections «S-230» (rus) and «S-231» (rus) added.

September 12, 2010
Sections «B-70» (rus), «B-74» (rus) and «B-76» (rus) added.

September 11, 2010
The section «K-180» (rus) opened.

September 10, 2010
The section «K-449» (rus) opened.

September 9, 2010
The section «K-421» (rus) opened.

September 8, 2010
The section «K-193» (rus) opened.

September 7, 2010
The section «K-182» (rus) opened.

September 6, 2010
The section «K-92» (rus) opened.

September 5, 2010
Sections «S-182» (rus) and «S-185» (rus) added.

September 4, 2010
Sections «S-174» (rus) and «S-177» (rus) added.

September 3, 2010
Sections «S-180» (rus) and «S-184» (rus) added.

September 2, 2010
Sections «S-300» (rus), «S-194» (rus) and «K-524, B-524» (rus) added.

September 1, 2010
Sections «Projects 16810 and 16811» (rus) and «Projects 18270 and 18271» (rus) added.

August 31, 2010
Sections «S-101» (rus) and «S-38, Slava» (rus) added.

August 30, 2010
Sections «S-159» (rus) and «M-1» (rus) added.

August 29, 2010
Sections «S-160» (rus) and «S-188» (rus) added.

August 28, 2010
Sections «S-190» (rus) and «S-181» (rus) added.

August 27, 2010
The information in the section «S-193» (rus) added.

August 26, 2010
The information in the section «S-175» (rus) added.

August 25, 2010
The information in the section «S-182» (rus) added.

August 24, 2010
Sections «Project 640» (rus) and «S-73, SS-73» (rus) added.

August 23, 2010
The information in the section «S-262» (rus) added.

August 22, 2010
Sections «S-159» (rus) and «S-179» (rus) added.

August 21, 2010
Sections «S-167» (rus), «S-171» (rus) and «S-183» (rus) added.

August 20, 2010
The information in the section «S-176» (rus) added.

August 19, 2010
The information in the section «S-179» (rus) added.

August 18, 2010
The information in the section «S-64, RZS-117» (rus) added.

August 17, 2010
The information in the section «S-172» (rus) added.

August 16, 2010
The information in the section «S-154» (rus) added.

August 15, 2010
The information in the section «B-225» (rus) added.

August 14, 2010
The information in the section «B-307» (rus) added.

August 13, 2010
The information in the section «S-153» (rus) added.

August 12, 2010
The information in the section «S-198» (rus) added.

August 11, 2010
The information in the section «S-163» (rus) added.

August 10, 2010
The information in the section «Project 908» (rus) added.

August 9, 2010
The information in the section «Project 907» (rus) added.

August 8, 2010
The information in the section «S-166» (rus) added.

August 7, 2010
The information in the section «Projects 636 and 636M» (rus) added.

August 6, 2010
The section «V-550» (rus) opened.

August 5, 2010
Sections «V-482» (rus) and «V-483» (rus) opened.

August 4, 2010
The information in sections «M-112» (rus) and «M-113, KBP-28, UTS-35» (rus) added.

August 3, 2010
The information in the section «S-220, SM-422» (rus) added.

August 2, 2010
The information in the section «S-199» (rus) added.

August 1, 2010
The section «K-206, Minskiy komsomolets, Murmansk» (rus) opened.

July 31, 2010
The information in the section «S-286» (rus) added.

July 30, 2010
The information in the section «S-284» (rus) added.

July 29, 2010
The information in the section «K-31, K-431» (rus) added.

July 28, 2010
The information in the section «S-283» (rus) added.

July 27, 2010
The information in the section «S-282» (rus) added.

July 26, 2010
The information in the section «S-281, RZS-495» (rus) added.

July 25, 2010
The section «K-525, Arhangelsk» (rus) opened.

July 24, 2010
The information in the section «S-278, Sokol» (rus) added.

July 23, 2010
The information in the section «S-276» (rus) added.

July 22, 2010
The information in the section «S-275, UTS-319» (rus) added.

July 21, 2010
The information in the section «S-274, UTS-381» (rus) added.

July 20, 2010
The information in the section «S-272» (rus) added.

July 19, 2010
The information in the section «S-271» (rus) added.

July 18, 2010
The information in the section «S-273, SS-273» (rus) added.

July 17, 2010
The information in the section «S-269» (rus) added.

July 16, 2010
The information in the section «S-261, UTS-382» (rus) added.

July 15, 2010
The information in the section «S-266, PZS-44, RZS-444» (rus) added.

July 14, 2010
The information in the section «S-267» (rus) added.

July 13, 2010
The information in the section «S-262» (rus) added.

July 12, 2010
The information in the section «S-200» (rus) added.

July 11, 2010
The information in the section «S-287» (rus) added.

July 10, 2010
The information in the section «S-288, RZS-445, PZS-72» (rus) added.

July 9, 2010
The information in the section «S-197» (rus) added.

July 8, 2010
The information in the section «S-277» (rus) added.

July 5, 2010
The information in the section «S-277» (rus) added.

July 4, 2010
The information in the section «K-149, KS-149, BS-149» (rus) added.

July 2, 2010
The section «Memory S-55» (rus) opened.

July 1, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-403» (rus) opened.

June 26, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-402» (rus) opened.

June 24, 2010
The information in the section «Memory D-3» (rus) added.

June 23, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-422» (rus) opened.

June 22, 2010
The section «Memory M-174» (rus) opened.

June 21, 2010
The section «Memory M-172» (rus) opened.

June 20, 2010
The section «Memory M-173» (rus) opened.

June 18, 2010
The information in the section «Projects 885 (08850) è 885M (08851)» (rus) added.

June 17, 2010
The information in the section «Severodvisk» (rus) added.

June 16, 2010
The section «Memory K-23» (rus) opened.

June 15, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-401» (rus) opened.

June 14, 2010
Sections «Memory M-83» (rus) and «Memory S-9» (rus) opened.

June 13, 2010
Sections «Memory Sch-309» (rus) and «Memory S-13» (rus) opened.

June 12, 2010
Sections «Memory Sch-310» (rus) and «Memory L-55» (rus) opened.

June 11, 2010
Sections «Memory M-80» (rus) and «Memory K-53» (rus) opened.

June 10, 2010
Sections «Memory L-21» (rus) and «Memory K-51» (rus) opened.

June 9, 2010
Sections «Memory L-21» (rus) and «Memory K-51» (rus) opened.

June 8, 2010
Sections «Memory B-2» (rus) and «Memory Sch-407» (rus) opened.

June 7, 2010
Sections «Memory S-4» (rus) and «Memory M-102» (rus) opened.

June 6, 2010
The section «Memory S-4» (rus) opened.

June 5, 2010
The information in the section «Memory K-22» (rus) added.

June 4, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-402» 14.08.1942 (rus) opened.

June 3, 2010
Information in the section «S-5» (rus) and «Memory S-5» (rus) added.

June 2, 2010
The information in the section «V-1» (rus) added.

June 1, 2010
The information in the section «Memory E-18» (rus) added.

May 22, 2010
The section «Memory L-19» (rus) opened.

May 20, 2010
The section «Memory S-54» (rus) opened.

May 17, 2010
The section «Memory S-9» (rus) opened.

May 16, 2010
The section «Memory S-12» (rus) opened.

May 15, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-406» (rus) opened.

May 14, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-408» (rus) opened.

May 13, 2010
The section «Memory M-96» (rus) opened.

May 12, 2010
The section «Memory M-108» (rus) opened.

May 11, 2010
The section «Memory M-106» (rus) opened.

May 10, 2010
The section «Memory M-122» (rus) opened.

May 8, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-323» (rus) opened.

May 7, 2010
The section «Memory K-3» (rus) opened.

May 6, 2010
The section «Memory S-7» (rus) opened.

May 5, 2010
The section «Memory S-4» (rus) opened.

May 4, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-308» (rus) opened.

May 3, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-306» (rus) opened.

May 2, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-311» (rus) opened.

May 1, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-320» (rus) opened.

April 30, 2010
The section «Memory L-16» (rus) opened.

April 29, 2010
The section «Memory M-121» (rus) opened.

April 28, 2010
The section «Memory M-97» (rus) opened.

April 27, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-317» (rus) opened.

April 26, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-405» (rus) opened.

April 25, 2010
The section «Memory L-4» (rus) opened.

April 24, 2010
The information in the section «Memory V-1» (rus) added.

April 23, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-118» (rus) opened.

April 22, 2010
The section «Memory M-95» (rus) opened.

April 21, 2010
The section «Memory M-176» (rus) opened.

April 20, 2010
The section «Memory M-175» (rus) opened.

April 19, 2010
The section «Memory M-98» (rus) opened.

April 18, 2010
The information in the section «Memory L-2» (rus) added.

April 17, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-324» (rus) opened.

April 16, 2010
The section «Memory Sch-322» (rus) opened.

April 15, 2010
Information in the section «Memory Sch-302» (rus) and «Crew Sch-302» (rus) added.

April 14, 2010
The information in the section «K-366» (rus) added.

April 12, 2010
Information in the section «M-354» (rus), «M-268» (rus) and «M-265» (rus) added.

April 11, 2010
Information in the section «M-353» (rus) and «M-292» (rus) added.

April 10, 2010
The information in the section «M-351» (rus) added.

April 9, 2010
The section «K-366» (rus) opened.

April 8, 2010
The section «K-284, Akula» (rus) opened.

April 7, 2010
The information in the section «K-147, B-147» (rus) added.

April 6, 2010
The section «K-263, Delfin, Barnaul» (rus) opened.

April 5, 2010
The section «K-322, Kashalot» (rus) opened.

April 4, 2010
The section «Memory M-256» (rus) opened.

April 3, 2010
The section «Memory C-153» (rus) opened.

April 2, 2010
The section «Memory M-258» (rus) opened.

April 1, 2010
The section «Memory M-259» (rus) opened.

March 31, 2010
The section «K-419, Morj, Kuzbass» (rus) opened.

March 30, 2010
The section «K-331, Narval, Magadan» (rus) opened.

March 29, 2010
The information in the section «K-420, KS-420» (rus) added.

March 28, 2010
The information in the section «K-171» (rus) added.

March 27, 2010
The information in the section «K-436» (rus) added.

March 26, 2010
The information in the section «K-444» (rus) added.

March 20, 2010
The information in the section «S-46» (rus) added.

March 18, 2010
The information in the section «S-44, PZS-53» (rus) added.

March 17, 2010
The information in the section «S-158» (rus) added.

March 16, 2010
The information in the section «S-264» (rus) added.

March 15, 2010
The information in the section «S-159» (rus) added.

March 14, 2010
Information in the section «S-268» (rus) and «S-142» (rus) added.

March 13, 2010
The information in the section «S-268» (rus) added.

March 12, 2010
Information in the section «K-430» (rus) and «K-455» (rus) added.

March 11, 2010
The information in the section «K-455» (rus) added.

March 10, 2010
The information in the section «K-26» (rus) added.

March 9, 2010
Information in the section «S-283, Vladimirskiy Komsomoletz» (rus) and «S-191, Pskovskiy Komsomoletz» (rus) added.

March 8, 2010
The information in the section «B-33» (rus) added.

March 7, 2010
The information in the section «B-81, B-881» (rus) added.

March 6, 2010
Information in the section «K-147» (rus) and «K-398» (rus) added.

March 5, 2010
The information in the section «S-156, Komsomolets Kazahstana» (rus) added.

March 3, 2010
The information in the section «E-18» (rus) added.

March 1, 2010
Information in the section «K-295, Drakon, Samara» (rus) and «K-152, Nerpa» (rus) added.

February 28, 2010
The information in the section «K-391, Kit, Bratsk» (rus) added.

February 27, 2010
The information in the section «B-69, BS-69» (rus) added.

February 26, 2010
The information in the section «K-335, Gepard» (rus) added.

February 25, 2010
The information in the section «M-271» (rus) added.

February 24, 2010
The information in the section «K-276, B-276, Krab, Kostroma» (rus) added.

February 23, 2010
The information in the section «K-447, Kislovodsk» (rus) added.

February 22, 2010
The information in the section «K-239, B-239, Karp» (rus) added.

February 21, 2010
The section «K-469, B-469» (rus) opened.

February 20, 2010
The information in the section «K-480, Bars, Ak Bars» (rus) added.

February 19, 2010
The section «K-469, B-469» (rus) opened.

February 18, 2010
The section «K-462, B-462» (rus) opened.

February 17, 2010
The section «K-454, B-454» (rus) opened.

February 16, 2010
The information in the section «K-34, K-134, B-134» (rus) added.

February 15, 2010
The section «K-398, B-398» (rus) opened.

February 14, 2010
The section «K-314» (rus) opened.

February 13, 2010
The section «K-367, B-367» (rus) opened.

February 12, 2010
The information in the section «B-98, Wilk» (rus) added.

February 11, 2010
The information in the section «K-143, K-121, B-121» (rus) added.

February 10, 2010
The information in the section «K-318, B-318» (rus) added.

February 9, 2010
The information in the section «K-436» (rus) added.

February 8, 2010
The information in the section «K-264, B-264» (rus) added.

February 6, 2010
The section «K-438, B-438» (rus) opened.

February 4, 2010
The section «K-370, B-370» (rus) opened.

February 3, 2010
The section «K-323, 50 let USSR, B-323» (rus) opened.

February 2, 2010
The information in the section «K-441» (rus) added.

February 1, 2010
The information in the section «K-355, B-355» (rus) added.

January 31, 2010
The information in the section «K-451» (rus) added.

January 29, 2010
The information in the section «B-215» (rus) added.

January 28, 2010
The information in the section «K-116» (rus) added.

January 27, 2010
The information in the section «K-279» (rus) added.

January 26, 2010
The information in the section «K-51, Verhoturie» (rus) added.

January 25, 2010
The information in the section «K-64, BS-64» (rus) added.

January 24, 2010
The information in the section «K-306» (rus) opened.

January 23, 2010
The information in the section «K-403, KS-403, Kazan» (rus) added.

January 22, 2010
The information in the section «K-242, 50 let Komsomolsku-na-Amure, B-242» (rus) opened.

January 21, 2010
The information in the section «B-69, BS-69» (rus) added.

January 20, 2010
The information in the section «K-264, B-264» (rus) added.

January 19, 2010
The information in the section «K-218, B-218» (rus) opened.

January 18, 2010
The information in the section «K-360, B-360» (rus) opened.

January 17, 2010
The information in the section «K-355, B-355» (rus) opened.

January 16, 2010
The information in the section «K-305, B-305» (rus) added.

January 15, 2010
The information in the section «K-324, B-324» (rus) opened.

January 14, 2010
The information in the section «K-255, B-255» (rus) opened.

January 13, 2010
The information in the section «K-251, B-251» (rus) opened.

January 12, 2010
The information in the section «K-412, B-412» (rus) opened.

January 11, 2010
The information in the section «K-492, B-492» (rus) added.

January 10, 2010
The information in the section «K-507, B-507» (rus) opened.

January 9, 2010
The information in the section «K-247, B-247» (rus) opened.

January 8, 2010
The information in the section «K-418» (rus) added.

January 7, 2010
The information in the section «K-292, B-292, Perm'» (rus) opened.

January 6, 2010
The information in the section «K-244, B-244» (rus) opened.

January 5, 2010
The information in the section «K-448, B-448, Tambov» (rus) added.

January 4, 2010
The information in the section «K-414, B-414, Daniil Moskovskiy» (rus) added.

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